Monday, 30 December 2013

MCC-Allegro - 28th December

Here we are again, talking about another Allegro @ MCC. The specialty of this, its the final allegro for the year 2013. And it was so good to see some good games played. Played on 28th of December 2013. Final results are mostly expected one, but there was so tough competition from 1-2 players and more importantly tricky finishes. Unfortunately, I didn't get moves of those games. Did get a photo of final positions.

Let's just go thru the final result in flash. Shall we.

#NameAge<M/FScoreTie.New Rating
1Michael Baron37M6322307 11
2Dimitri Partsi
M627½1956 20
3Chris Kolak
M531½1971 4

4Mohammad Cheema
M5301692 49

5Tony Tosevski
M4291777 6

6Will Bakanursky
M4261648 5

7Daniel Dobos
M4251562 15

8Bosko Tosevski
M4251442 65

9Mukesh Krishnamurthy
M221542 7

10Tanya Kolak
F191537 7

11Shane Lawson
M3251653 32

12Vinicius Fagundes
M324½1250 48

13Dale Wright
M3201264 16

14Elizabeth Warren63F318½1255 36

15Stephan Taylor
M2241349 0%

16Jarrod Lay13M2211442 35%

17Victor Fagundes
M219½1450 28

18Alex Connelly
M021½1056 0%

Michael and Dimitri have Joined podium, well on second its Chris and Mohammad(remember this name). , this is in the open section. Mukesh and Tanya took the prize in the second group. Well people playing in MCC Allegro proved worthiness by Mohammad Cheema. He won the game against Michael in a dramatic finish. This make one big statement. Anyone can win, if you play your 'A' game

Here is a game from round 2 @ top board
112318Michael Bar1-0              Will Bakanursky16431

Will Bakanursky had a winning chance against Michael Baron, but messed it all up and ended losing the game in the above fashion. Baron's queen was pinned, and the king is cornered, one move that's all it takes. Baron just needed a window of the gap and utilizes the chance and mated will. Well lesson learned, what we see here is everyone is human and make mistakes. The person who makes second mistakes win the game. It's always very important to remember, walking king is under severe threat of checkmated. Missing such opportunity is never acceptable at good rated players.

Here is an interesting game, this time Between

421547Daniel Dobos       1-0
Will Bakanursky16432

Tactical battle in Allegro will be very challenging and can chew up ur time while u thinking hard. Will made blunder when he moved Nh4 in this position, too many pieces hanging without any co-ordination in such an important position. None is supported here, not even the knight on F6.

Here come the novelty game played by Mohammad Cheema against Michael Baron..

131643Mohammad Cheema
Michael Baron23184

Cheema completely outplayed Michael, and of course baron made blunders and his opponent was able to spot and crack them into nuts.

My dear fellow chess friend and blog viewers. Do come and play at MCC Allegro on Saturday if your Intermediate or above on Saturday's and novice on Sunday's. Good chance there is always prizes for 2-3 category and handy pocket cash in your wallet.

Lots of people have improved their game to a different level by playing at allegro with different players. I encourage people to invite more people to join them. enjoy the weekend at cool environment at Melbourne chess Club thru out the summer. Games here have shown people with high caliber and improving at rapid speed. Thanks to Allegro and thanks to MCC. thanks for organizing this weekend event by Elizabeth Warren. Practice with a spirit and have nice BBQ by Anthony, thanks to him for his volunteer work who always keeps our hungry players with delicious BBQ.

We expect more people from next week. any chess club members are always welcomed to have a fun game with us in allegro, challenge us and compete with us. Its $10 for members , $7 for concession and $15 for non -Members. our pantry is always full have a can of drinks and enjoy the Air conditioned environment.

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